Connecting Virginia Students to Devices and Digital Learning

AT&T Blog Team
July 28, 2022
Broadband Access and Affordability

Connecting Virginia Students to Devices and Digital Learning

As part of our efforts to counter summer learning loss and increase digital literacy, we are collaborating with Aspire! Afterschool Learning to connect historically underserved students to the devices they need. Yearly summer learning loss – combined with the effects of distance learning from the pandemic – has negatively impacted the communication and literacy skills of students, especially those from low-income families. Aspire! Afterschool Learning’s summer camp offers an opportunity to repair and revamp these skills for 110 underserved 3rd to 8th grade students in Arlington, Virginia. To further enhance the camp experience, AT&T donated 50 Chromebooks for use by the students.

Students will complete projects and hands-on learning activities related to the theme of this year’s camp, which coincides with our passion at AT&T – communications. The donated Chromebooks will allow students to develop their reading and writing skills through unique communication-driven projects, at no cost to families. Students will get to explore everyday communication methods and find their voice by engaging with resources that elevate their learning experience. Using the Chromebooks, students will also engage in hands-on learning activities, such as:

  • Podcasting
  • Creative writing
  • Video production
  • Graphic design

The Chromebooks will continue to be a valuable tool come Fall as Aspire! students use them to complete their iReady testing- a test that helps teachers understand the individualized needs of their students. As students utilize these devices to develop technology skills, they are not only advancing their academic progress but also laying the foundation for a future of lifelong digital learning.

Having access to devices and online educational resources can be transformative for students, especially those who come from historically underserved communities. These devices can show students from an early age the power and promise of technology, encouraging them to be lifelong users of the latest technologies and preparing them for our increasingly digital world.

Through AT&T Connected Learning℠, we are continually investing to equip students with digital resources that will expose them to rich experiences and opportunities. This donation aligns with our Connected Learning efforts to empower students inside and outside of the classroom. We are proud to collaborate with Aspire! Afterschool Learning to connect students in Arlington to the devices they need to succeed today and the skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives.

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