Delaware Boy & Girls Clubs Get Digital Literacy Boost

Katie McEvoy, Regional Director, AT&T External Affairs
August 24, 2023
Broadband Access and Affordability

Delaware Boy & Girls Clubs Get Digital Literacy Boost

While 8-12 weeks away from the classroom doesn’t seem very long, the gap can severely impact our students’ success. In fact, Annenberg Brown University’s summer learning statistics show the average student loses 17–34% of the prior year’s skills during summer break.

This loss is often called ‘Summer Slide’ or ‘Summer Learning Loss’ and refers to the amount of knowledge students lose between grade levels during summer break.

While summer may be winding down, it’s critical students continue to have access and resources to sharpen their skills.

The Boys & Girls Clubs in Delaware helps young people in the First State reach their full potential.  One way the organization does that is by offering programs to children strengthen their technical and digital skills, which are vitally important in today’s digital-first world.  Our support will enable them to achieve their goals.

For students of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware, a new summer-reading program is on the way for students in grades 1-4, using the BookNook digital platform, to improve their reading skills and levels.

To help make that happen, a $10,000 AT&T contribution was announced during a special event at the Club in Delaware that was attended by state and local officials, Boys & Girls Club staff and students, and representatives from AT&T. The contribution is aimed at helping improve reading and digital literacy skills of children in Smyrna and Clayton.

“Our Clubs have been building great momentum with our literacy initiatives. This school year, we had nearly 400 members with 10 or more BookNook sessions, and Club members gained over 900 reading levels combined,” said Jon Tucker, Vice President of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware.

Students at the Clubs also can access The Achievery, a free online learning platform created by AT&T to provide K-12 students with engaging and entertaining content paired with learning activities for everywhere today’s connected students learn, along with other tools and resources available through AT&T Connected Learning.

At AT&T, we’re committed to helping individuals build digital literacy skills, so they’re confident online and empowered to pilot the internet. Through our efforts, we’ve found there’s no better way than working with local organizations that know their communities best, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware is no exception.

Delaware State Senator Kyra Hoffner said it best at the event:

“The Boys and Girls Club of Delaware plays an integral role in lives of thousands of children by providing them and their families with a safe, fun and positive environment where they can develop supportive relationships for years to come. I am thrilled the Boys and Girls Club of Delaware is expanding that role to include virtual spaces through its new digital literacy program that will help our children understand how to stay safe online. This program will help to empower and inspire our young people to become well rounded young adults in both the physical and virtual worlds.”

We look forward to continuing our work with the Boys & Girls Clubs in Delaware and other Delaware organizations to connect more students to crucial resources on the path bridging to the digital divide.

For more information about AT&T in Delaware, visit

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