AT&T Statement on National Spectrum Strategy

Rhonda Johnson, EVP, Federal Regulatory Relations
November 13, 2023
AT&T Policy Statements

AT&T Statement on National Spectrum Strategy

We appreciate the administration’s effort in issuing the Presidential Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy. We are encouraged that the administration recognizes the spectrum needs of mobile network operators and has included the lower 3 GHz and 7 GHz bands for study and potential repurposing for full-power licensed use.  

We hope this reallocation will help correct the mid-band spectrum imbalance that currently prioritizes unlicensed and federal uses – a disparity that fails to meet Americans’ ever-accelerating demand for mobile connectivity and neglects licensed spectrum’s place as the foundation of our wireless ecosystem.
In that regard, we are encouraged by the administration’s interest in exploring new sharing technologies, and its recognition that any adoption of dynamic spectrum sharing be designed to incentivize commercial investment and innovation. We stand ready to work with all stakeholders to ensure that any dynamic sharing model is secure, reliable, and provides network operators the certainty they need to make the necessary capital investments in the physical infrastructure with which the spectrum is used.”

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