AT&T Statement on FCC’s Release of Broadband Maps

Rhonda Johnson, Executive Vice President, Federal Regulatory Relations, AT&T
November 18, 2022
AT&T Policy Statements

AT&T Statement on FCC’s Release of Broadband Maps

Statement from Rhonda Johnson, Executive Vice President, Federal Regulatory Relations, AT&T

“Knowing exactly where broadband is and, importantly, where it is not, is critical to successfully bridging the digital divide. We applaud the FCC for its diligent work to bring these maps to life by completing the first step to precisely identify all broadband-serviceable locations in the U.S., which is key to bringing high speed connectivity to all Americans. We know this is not a “one and done” effort and we will continue to work with the Commission at each stage of this process to ensure the maps have the most accurate view of broadband availability.”

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