AT&T Statement on FCC Effort to Combat ‘Spoofed’ Calls to Consumers

AT&T Blog Team
February 14, 2019
AT&T Policy Statements, Internet Protection

AT&T Statement on FCC Effort to Combat ‘Spoofed’ Calls to Consumers

The following may be attributed to Joan Marsh, AT&T Executive Vice President of Regulatory & State External Affairs:

“AT&T supports the FCC’s efforts and rigorous approach to fighting illegal and unwanted calls. Today’s notice of proposed rulemaking targets caller ID spoofing by, among other proposals, covering more types of communications and expanding the Commission’s reach to go after malicious and illegal calls made within other countries to U.S. consumers. We remain committed to working with the Commission and our industry partners in the ongoing battle against these types of schemes that harm our customers, and we look forward to the implementation of these significant and necessary changes to the FCC’s rules.”

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