AT&T California Supports Distance Learning Efforts During COVID-19 Pandemic

AT&T Blog Team
June 30, 2020
Community Impact, Public Safety

AT&T California Supports Distance Learning Efforts During COVID-19 Pandemic

As California’s schools have closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, AT&T understands that students staying connected is more imperative than ever.

As part of AT&T California’s $3.5 million* in donations to California nonprofit organizations, the company has answered the call for help by contributing to organizations across the Golden State to make sure our kids can keep learning when their school buildings are temporarily closed.

To support distance learning and to bridge the digital divide across California during the COVID-19 pandemic, AT&T has:

  • Partnered with Governor Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom to provide $550,000 for devices and distance learning programs for California students.
  • Provided funding to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast to help provide online sessions help students stay engaged with each other through enrichment, health and fitness activities, tutoring sessions, interactive games, DIY activities, and more.
  • Supported the Los Angeles Community College Foundation to help provide resources for community college students from diverse communities so they can achieve their educational and career goals. Click here for video.
  • Contributed to SPARK*SF Public Schools to help provide the resources needed to keep San Francisco students moving forward in their education. Click here for video.

“We are proud to support organizations who are keeping our students connected,”

Rhonda Johnson – President, AT&T California

“As millions of California students made the shift to a distance learning model as a result of COVID-19, we are proud to support organizations who are keeping our students connected,” said Rhonda Johnson, President-AT&T California.

Across the state, AT&T California has contributed more than $3.5 million to community-based organizations that are providing relief to residents from underserved communities, front line health workers, public safety groups and small businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

AT&T’s support is part of AT&T Believes℠, a company-wide effort to make a meaningful impact in local communities. To learn more about how AT&T is supporting communities during the current crisis, visit

*The company donated $1.875M, and the AT&T Foundation donated $1.625M of the $3.5M.

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